About Us

Introduction: Our Mission

At the ePublic Safety Foundation, we’re driven by a singular mission: to create a safer, more trustworthy online world. Launched in 2022, our foundation focuses on transforming digital interactions to ensure they’re genuine, informed, and free from cybercrimes and harmful digital habits. We achieve this through a combination of educational programs, innovative research, and active community involvement.

The Founder's Story

Dennis Woodbury, our founder, was inspired to establish the ePublic Safety Foundation out of a deep concern for the rising tide of online vulnerabilities. His vision was to create an organization that not only addresses cyber threats but also empowers individuals to protect themselves in the digital age.

Our Roots in Hampton Roads, Virginia

Our foundation’s journey began in Hampton Roads, Virginia. This vibrant community forms the bedrock of our values and aspirations. It’s here that we’ve nurtured our commitment to making the web a safer place for all.

Our Vision and Values

We envision a digital world where every click and conversation is underpinned by trust and safety. Our values of innovation, empowerment, education, and collaboration guide us in providing a comprehensive shield for digital interactions.

Our Impact and Initiatives

From our inception, we’ve made significant strides in enhancing online safety. Our initiatives range from grassroots community outreach to advocating for digital literacy, all aimed at dismantling the cycle of online vulnerabilities.

Join Our Cause

Your involvement can make a real difference. Whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness, you can help us in our quest for a safer digital future.”

Contact and Connect

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