Public Perceptions on Scam Reporting

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Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey. The ePublic Safety Foundation is committed to creating a safer digital future for everyone. Your responses will play a crucial role in helping us understand public perception and the potential impact of a centralized repository for reporting online scams. This survey should take approximately 5-7 minutes to complete. All responses will be kept confidential and used solely for research purposes.

Demographic Information

How frequently do you engage in online transactions?
How frequently do you engage in online transactions?

Awareness and Experience with Online Scams

Have you or someone you know ever been a victim of an online scam?
Have you or someone you know ever been a victim of an online scam?
If yes, was the scam reported to any authority?
If yes, was the scam reported to any authority?
What type of scams have you encountered?
What type of scams have you encountered?

Perceptions of Reporting Scams

On a scale of 1-5, how comfortable would you feel
reporting an online scam to an official authority?
On a scale of 1-5, how comfortable would you feel reporting an online scam to an official authority?
Very UncomfortableNeutralVery Comfortable
Very Uncomfortable
Very Comfortable
What are your primary concerns when it comes to
reporting scams?
What are your primary concerns when it comes to reporting scams?
Do you believe that reporting scams can lead to a
significant reduction in cybercrime?
Do you believe that reporting scams can lead to a significant reduction in cybercrime?

Centralized Repository for Scam Reporting

How likely would you be to use a centralized,
non-governmental platform for reporting online scams?
How likely would you be to use a centralized, non-governmental platform for reporting online scams?
What features would you consider important in such a platform?
What features would you consider important in such a platform?
Would you prefer a centralized repository managed by a non-profit organization like the ePublic Safety Foundation over a governmental body?
Would you prefer a centralized repository managed by a non-profit organization like the ePublic Safety Foundation over a governmental body?

Final Thoughts

What additional suggestions do you have for improving online safety and combating scams?
Would you be interested in receiving more information about digital safety and how you can contribute to a safer online community?
Would you be interested in receiving more information about digital safety and how you can contribute to a safer online community?
Is the information on our page easy to understand?
Is the information on our page easy to understand?
How user-friendly do you find the navigation of our site?
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